Detta är vad vi fick läsa i skolans veckobrev som kom ut för någon timma sedan:
FC Barcelona Football Trial at Stonehill
FC Barcelona is holding a football camp in Bangalore during the week of 21st – 25th May. Representatives from the club came to Stonehill on Thursday 3rd May to offer 3 lucky students an opportunity to attend the camp on a scholarship programme. About 40 excited and keen Stonehill students were split into Primary and Secondary groups and put through their paces with a number of drills, activities and small sided games. At the end of the one hour session there was an air of excitement as the 3 names were read out for the ‘winners’ of the scholarships to the camp.
- Carlos xxxxxx Px
- Inaki xxxxxx Px
- Elvira Zetterberg M1
If you want more details about the camp please collect a flyer from the PE Department or check their website:
Elvira har har känt sig väldigt glad men samtidigt lite orolig eftersom fotbollslägret sammanfaller med veckan då de har sina exams vilket innebär mycket plugg samt skrivningar som ska klaras av.
Skrev till hennes klassföreståndare och bad henne om hjälp för att Elvira ska kunna komma igång med sina studier så tidigt som möjligt. Hon stöttar fullt ut och uttrycker sin glädje och stolthet i följande rader:
Good morning Nina and Elvira,
First of all, CONGRATULATIONS! That is awesome news mate, well done! Of course we can make accommodations. I will let all of your teachers know tomorrow and we will sort something out. I will also have the revision information on to you tomorrow so you can start study and will ask other teachers to do the same. Please don't stress about exams though, it's the same as last time, just practice.
Good work Elvira!
Ms Benson
Så nu är det bara att plugga så hårt det går och sedan njuta av en förmodat kanonbra fotbollsvecka inom kort. Bra jobbat Elvira!!
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